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Breaking Bad Loops (Stuck Patterns) Around the Hustle [Are You Being Purposeful in Your Hustle?]



By: Natalie Viglione

March 11, 2020

Natalie Viglione's Breaking Bad Video Series:

Today I talk about Breaking Bad Loops (Stuck Patterns) Around the Hustle. Are You Being Purposeful in Your Hustle?


It's important to assess if you're getting away from your purpose. Over time this can happen in a business. You lose focus and have to course correct. I know because I had to do it very recently myself.

The biggest thing here to remain adhered to is the fact that hustle MUST HAVE PURPOSE behind it!

Hustle is the "busy" stuff within the day to day work you're doing in your business, or if you're helping drive forward someone else's business.

Do you notice there's a whole hell of a lot the "I'm busy" excuse syndrome happening in the world today?

Through my work with companies all over the globe, this often comes down to a productivity challenge that people face; an operational dysfunction of how a company is running. Or just how a person is running their day if they work for someone else. This often is the root issue.

Hustle without purpose is that you're literally spinning wheels and caught in a trap. It's being stuck in this LOOP going round and round and round...

This happened to me in late 2018-2019 when I tried to enter into a market that was NOT good for my business and I kept trying to push a square peg into a round hole. A strategy dysfunction happened. I HAD TO COURSE CORRECT, AND FAST!

It allowed me to clearly see what was happening though. SO MANY business owners and general people are out there just having "meetings" and there's a total lack of intention and focus as to the WHY.

It's meeting for countless hours without purpose and intent. This is very regional I've noticed as well now that I have worked and lived in many places across the U.S. and have worked with clients all over the globe. I very clearly see now that is the root issue. Hustle without purpose.

It's so essential to look at how you act and react as a business owner (or even if you're working in someone else's business).

Look at creating PURPOSEFUL meetings, and being intentional and focused on how you CREATE a day. That's the "hustle" I'm talking about here.

Purpose is a deeper reason for doing what you're doing. When you look through the lens of purpose it all comes down to wrapping everything around your innate values.

Purpose makes you look at the broader ecosystems and defining the impact you want to make in the world and how you want to expand.

Remember, success is also wrapped around your core values and it doesn't look the same for everyone. There is no ONE definition of success and, no, it's not material items either.

If you ask yourself, how far can "hustle" take me if there is no intent, focus, or purpose behind it?

You'll realize that it won't take you very far.

So if you're always busy but feeling like you're not moving the right needles forward, then it's important to assess if you're stuck in a loop. An "I'm always busy" hustle loop with a lack of progress.

Here are 6 things to ponder to help you to identify if you're stuck in a bad hustle loop:

  1. Are you always exhausted? Do you make time for yourself?
  2. Are you taking the time to do a healthy routine every day like meditation, working out, etc.?
  3. Do you "get by" each day or do you CREATE your day?
  4. Do you REALLY SHOW UP for others and for yourself?
  5. Do you hustle without results?
  6. Do you create from a place of PURPOSE?

Let's look at PURPOSE.

Here are 4 ways to identify if you're consciously creating and being purpose-driven in your hustle:

  1. Do you feel invigorated? IF YES, then you're onto something!
  2. Do you wake up excited? IF YES, then that's how it SHOULD feel!
  3. Are you in an excuse mode? IF NOT, then you're CREATING from a conscious place and showing up for you and others. REMEMBER, you must take care of yourself!
  4. Are you consciously creating from your soul? IF SO, then your hustle has some deeper meaning and purpose, now go and blow that all out to make it bigger and create your day around it. That's how you can get needles moving the right way.

Just remember, hustle means nothing without a true purpose behind it!



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