Their new name is: Meta. Yes, this is what facebook changed their name to, so let's discover more about what that really means...
This is taken from the facebook website in regard to the name change, "...our vision is to help bring the metaverse to life, so we are changing our name to reflect our commitment to this future. The metaverse is the next evolution of social connection."
Yep, they're building what they've coined a "metaverse" and it's important for us to look at the root meanings of these words (breaking it into "meta" and "verse").
meta - word-forming element of Greek origin meaning "changed, altered"
verse from Latin versus from PIE root *wer- (2) "to turn, bend."
This really means "Altering and Turning."
So, what are they altering? Humans.
And what are they turning them into? NON-humans.
Look, I LOVE tech and I always have had an affinity for it, as well as it just comes natural for me to understand it and utilize it. I think it's super cool when it's used to SERVE humanity for the good of all, though NOTHING is akin to what ancient tech held to note so we're still way behind. But, this concept of "meta" is creating a world that takes us away from the true essence of humanity and towards something that is very bleak and incredibly dismal.
Facebook (errr... Meta) purchased the VR (virtual reality) company Oculus back in 2014, so this plan has been in the works for a LONG time (You can read this to learn more about that).
The essence of HUMANITY is about TRUE CONNECTION. Hugging, talking, engaging, looking into peoples REAL eyes, being next to, touching, kissing, etc. etc. -- all the things that engage us as we are ORGANIC matter (with an essence of LIGHT within).
To move away from ORGANIC is to move away from the essence of all that is HUMAN.
Real connection is NOT about connection through some device. What happens when we lose true connection via touching, emotions, embracing, etc.? We lose the truth of what we are. We lose the essence of why humans exist.
This path of "transhumanism" is about taking away the light of what sparks and ignites us from within. It's based on the premise that the human species in its current form does not represent the end of our development but rather a comparatively early phase, which couldn't be further from the truth because there's more than meets the eye to us RIGHT NOW! (Read more here
Humans are actually HIGHLY evolved beings that have amazing abilities, but those amazing abilities have been programmed out of us (making us think we're NOT powerful), the truth has been totally supressed and hidden from us. We've been pushed down to think that we are "less than" but that is NOT true.
Did you know that there was a time before when we were evolved to the state that we used telepathy to communicate? After tragic events, this capability was essentially turned off in our DNA. Telepathy is REAL and it has been proven time and time again ( I know this to be truth because as an empath and someone who has clairaudience and claircognizance, our magickal abilities are REAL.
We need to remember and awaken to our power again and realize what's really going on.


Do you want this for your future? For the kids' future?
I say NO and will stand firmly in knowing that this is NOT the true path forward for humanity. This is the time to really search the soul and think about all that's coming to fruition around us...